Talk Tech Liberty

Talk Tech Liberty (TTL) est un programme de blogging que nous avons lancé pour diffuser les idées de liberté technologique et économique basée sur le web(Fintech) via nos plateformes en ligne. En effet, la majorité des internautes burundais ignorent les informations relatives à la philosophie libertaire du domaine technologique, et ils utilisent l’internet dans l’ignorance totale de leurs droits. Nous avons une équipe de rédacteurs et d’éditeurs qui composent des articles de blog, des cardnews, des vidéos et des podcasts. Notre ligne éditoriale est orientée principalement dans les domaines suivants : la protection de la vie privée, la prospérité grâce au marché libre basée sur le web, droit de propriété intellectuelle, crypto-monnaie, l’anti-surveillance, utilisation responsable de l’internet et la liberté individuelle.

Si vous êtes intéressé et passionné par le blogging vous pouvez nous écrire sur pour participer dans notre programme, notre éditeur en chef est toujours disponible pour vous orienter.

Talk Tech Liberty


According to the latest data from ARCT (Telecommunications Regulation and Control Agency), published in December 2022, the Internet penetration rate is 21.3%, the mobile telephony rate is 64.27%, and the ICT sector in Burundi is evolving and contributing to socio-economic growth and job creation. (Telecommunications Regulation and Control Agency)

That’s why we thought of setting up “Talk Tech Liberty,” a training and information program on the realities of the digital world. This program promotes freedom, particularly technological and economic freedom. We raise awareness through our conferences and online publications.

Through our online publications and conferences, we want to get Burundians to become familiar with the rational, profitable, and responsible use of digital technology so that they in turn become agents of change.

• Raise awareness among all Burundian internet users on the importance of privacy protection
• Provide tips to web enthusiasts on how to seize the opportunities of the digital world
• Awaken web content creators to know how to benefit from intellectual property rights
• Advocate for the use of cryptocurrencies in the world of finance
• Encourage decision-makers to ensure the implementation of laws related to privacy protection

• All Burundian internet users will be sensitized on the importance of privacy protection.
• Web enthusiasts will have tips on how to seize the opportunities of the digital world.
• Web content creators will be awakened on how to benefit from intellectual property rights.
• Burundians will have training and advocacy on the use of cryptocurrencies in the world of finance.
• Decision-makers will be encouraged to ensure the implementation of laws related to privacy protection.

V.1 Blogging:
This is a sub-program for the production and publication of blog articles, cardnews, videos, and podcasts. We address topics related to our editorial line, which is mainly focused on the following areas: privacy protection, prosperity through the web-based free market, intellectual property rights, cryptocurrency, anti-surveillance, responsible use of the internet, and individual freedom.

V.2 Conferences:
In this sub-program, we organize conferences in institutions, universities, schools, cultural centers, etc. on topics related to the proper ways of exploring and exploiting Information and Communication Technologies so that they can serve the sustainable socio-economic development of Burundi.

V.3 Campaigns
Through our mobilization campaigns, we encourage people to become champions of our philosophy. These campaigns are carried out on social media so that our message reaches the maximum number of Burundians.

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